The Cappa

We make
things happen
Palazzi Agency was founded in Rome in the 1950s to provide logistical services to the entertainment industry and celebrities. Over time, the group established itself as a leader in managing luxury services for major hotels, fashion and entertainment companies, and large-scale event logistics. Now integrated into Chabé's international network, the agency combines its expertise with that of a historic leader in bespoke mobility. We operate with three divisions: International Limousine, Event Logistics and Travel Management.

Mercedes-Benz E Class
Corporate sedan
Mercedes-Benz V Class
Luxury Minivan
Mercedes-Benz S Class
Presidential sedan
Minibus up to 12 passengers
Water TaxI

International Limousine

One of the most important and recognized companies in Europe for services related to limousine rental with driver. For over fifty years our personalized services have been chosen by private travellers, authorities, executives, luxury hotels and personalities from the world of entertainment.


Event Logistics

A team specialized in managing all phases relating to the logistical planning of private and corporate events. With our organizational secretariat we develop top-of-the-range, cost and time effective services, with a planning management system that follows the customer at every stage of the event.


Travel Management

If time is the most precious luxury, living it to the fullest represents the greatest wealth. The uniqueness of the proposals, the exclusivity of the contents, the complete customization of the service and rigorous planning make the difference between a simple trip and our travel experiences.


Abbiamo una grande notizia!

Palazzi Agency si unisce a Chabé e diventa Palazzi Agency by Chabé. Insieme, offriamo un servizio ancora più efficiente, unendo competenza locale e una rete internazionale d’eccellenza. Scoprite i nostri servizi arricchiti e il nostro rinnovato impegno per le vostre esigenze di mobilità.

Scopri di più su Chabé


Legalità – conformità ai modelli di prevenzione dei reati
La Società ha sviluppato un insieme di strumenti di governance organizzativa che garantiscono il funzionamento della Società e che possono essere riassunti come segue:

Codice Etico (scarica il PDF); esprime i principi etici e deontologici che il Gruppo riconosce come propri e che richiede l’osservanza da parte di tutti coloro che operano per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi aziendali. Il Codice Etico esprime, tra l’altro, linee e principi di comportamento volti a prevenire i reati di cui al D.Lgs. 231/2001 e richiama espressamente il Modello 231 quale strumento utile per operare nel rispetto della normativa;

Modello 231 (scarica il PDF)Risponde a specifiche disposizioni contenute nel D.Lgs. 231/2001, volte a prevenire la commissione di particolari tipologie di reati (per fatti che, apparentemente commessi a vantaggio dell’azienda, possono comportare la responsabilità amministrativa da reato in base alle disposizioni del medesimo decreto). Il Modello 231 detta le regole e fornisce le procedure che devono essere rispettate per costituire l’esimente per la Società ai fini della responsabilità di cui al D.Lgs. 231/2001;

Piattaforma Whistleblowing

We have exciting news!

Palazzi Agency is now part of the Chabé Group and becomes Palazzi Agency by Chabé. Together, we provide an enhanced service, combining local expertise with a premier international network. Discover our enriched services and renewed commitment to your mobility needs.

Learn more about Chabé


Legality – compliance with crime prevention models
The Company has developed a set of organizational governance tools that guarantee the functioning of the Company and which can be summarized as follows:

Code of Ethics (download PDF); expresses the ethical and deontological principles that the Group recognizes as its own and which requires compliance by all those who work to achieve the Company’s objectives. The Code of Ethics expresses, among other things, lines and principles of behavior aimed at preventing the crimes referred to in Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 and expressly recalls Model 231 as a useful tool for operating in compliance with the regulations;

Model 231 (download PDF): it responds to specific provisions contained in Legislative Decree 231/2001, aimed at preventing the commission of particular types of crimes (for facts which, apparently committed to the advantage of the company, may entail administrative liability from a crime based on the provisions of the same decree). Model 231 dictates the rules and provides the procedures that must be respected in order to constitute the exemption for the Company for the purposes of the liability referred to in Legislative Decree 231/2001;

Whistleblowing platform